Description : OSGM15 Geoid model based on Newlyn datum. Suitable for Trimble Access and Survey Controller (>12.41). Once downloaded, unzip the file before use. File :
A video showing how to configure the internet connection using a multinetwork SIM, create a GNSS contact and create a VRS survey style in Trimble Access.
Description : A video showing how to graphically stake a road in the Trimble Access Roads module. Video :
Description : A video showing how to stakeout a position on a line from a DXF polyline in Trimble Access Video :
Description : A video showing how to perform a resection in Trimble Access. Video :
A video showing how to configure the internet connection with a multinetwork SIM in the R10 receiver, create a GNSS contact and create a VRS survey style in Trimble Access. :
A guide showing how to connect a TSC3 to a Wi-Fi hotspot from an Android or iOS phone. 32.1-How-to-Create-a-Portable-WiFi-Hotspot-to-use-with-Trimble-Access.pdf
A guide on how to use the ASCII File Generator to convert JobXML or Job files from Trimble Access or Survey Controller using a .xsl stylesheet. 13.1-Using-the-ASCII-File-Generator-Utility-to-Convert-Files-From-Trimble-Access-or-Survey-Controller.pdf