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Showing articles from k-mobile tag

K-Mobile for Android

This document details how to install K-Mobile on a handheld device with an Android operating system. Installing_Kmobile_on_Android.pdf

Clearing job files from your Android device

This guide details how to create free storage space on your android device. Clearing_Job_Files_from_your_Android_Device.pdf

Completing a Form in K-Mobile

This tutorial describes the steps to wirelessly transfer the Street Light Form definition to K-Mobile, completing the form, and wirelessly transferring data back to the office. 13.1-Completing-Streetlight-Form-in-K-Mobile.pdf

UK & Ireland - OSTN15 Updates K-Mobile

Description : Instructions for transferring and updating coordinate system options for K-Mobile and for updating the VRSNow settings to use the OSTN15 Mountpoint. File : OSTN15-Updates-K-Mobile.pdf

Recording Data Steps in K-Mobile (Windows)

The guide takes you through the steps of creating a new job, selecting your collection schema, recording data, queuing a job and syncing a job in K-Mobile for Windows. 14.1-K-Mobile-Recording-Data-Steps.pdf

UK & Ireland - K-Mobile OSTN15 Transformation Files

Description : OSTN15 shift grid and supporting files for use with K-Mobile update instructions: OSTN15 Updates K-Mobile.pdf Once downloaded, unzip the file before use. File :

Adding Background Mapping - Vector

This guide describes how to create a raster background map from an existing .SHP, .DXF, .MID, .MIF, .JFL files . This guide is primarily written for users and administrators who are familiar the systems they are working with. 2.1-Background-Mapping-Vector.pdf

Changing Coordinate System in K-Mobile

This guide describes how to change the coordinate system in K-Mobile on devices running Windows Mobile OS. 12.1-K-Mobile-Changing-Coordinate-System

Trimble Catalyst Setup Guide for use with K-Mobile

Description : A guide on how to configure Trimble Mobile Manager and K-Mobile for use with the Catalyst DA-1 antenna. File :  14.1-Trimble-Catalyst-Setup-Guide-for-use-with-K-Mobile.pdf

K-Mobile for Windows Mobile

The file below provides the latest version of K-Mobile for handheld devices running Windows Mobile, as well as the additional files needed to run K-Mobile. For help with installation, please refer to  this guide. K-Mobile313.CAB Trimble_GPS_driver.CAB 2015UKprojectionData.CAB

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