Here is a guide on how to setup a GNSS Base & Rover in Trimble Access 2023.10 PDF Guide on how to setup a GNSS Base & Rover in Trimble Access 2023.10
Here is a user guide on how to carry out a Base and Rover GNSS survey using Trimble Access PDF UG 3.0 Base & Rover RTK Survey user guide with Trimble Access
The ETRS89 coordinates in the OS Net GNSS Receiver Network were updated to coincide with the introduction of OSTN15. This file provides coordinates for GNSS Receivers in the combined OS and Trimble network prior to the introduction of the OSTN15 changes in August 2016. The coordinates are provided in ETRS89 decimal d…
A video showing how to download RINEX data for a fixed base station at one second intervals using the Trimble VRS Now web site service.